Welcome to FRES. We provide affordable solar electricity to more than 20,000 families and businesses in rural Africa through our network of energy-as-a-service companies under local management.

Strengthening the Capacity of Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) connected to our solar micro grid in the village of Kouakoualé
The capacity-building project aimed to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) connected to the Kouakoualé solar microgrid (Note: The Kouakoualé…

FRES Uganda Launches Innovative Mini-Grid Project with Vittoria Technology and Avsi Foundation to Electrify Dairy Cooperatives and Surrounding Communities
Exciting news! Together with partners Vittoria Technology and Avsi Foundation we are launching a new mini grid project in Uganda,…

Participation of FRES Burkina Faso in a Strategic Workshop in Koudougou on Waste Management and Recycling of Mini Gids.
From August 20 to 22, 2024, Edmond Sima Sereme, FRES Burkina Faso’s collection manager, participated in a workshop on “Standardized…

FRES in numbers
More information on FRES’ performance and impact can be found in our Annual Report 2020
households and businesses powered
tons CO2 saved yearly
kWp electricity installed
direct and indirect jobs created
More information on FRES’ performance and impact can be found in our Annual Report 2020

“With nearly half of our customer base made up of professional customers such as small businesses, manufacturers and schools, we have become a major driver of rural economic development.”
General Manager FRES Uganda