Strengthening the Capacity of Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) connected to our solar micro grid in the village of Kouakoualé
The capacity-building project aimed to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) connected to the Kouakoualé solar microgrid (Note: The Kouakoualé microgrid was funded under the FEER BF by UNCDF) by improving their electricity consumption management and facilitating access to credit. Fully funded by the Autonomous Development Agency (ADA) and implemented over nine months by FRES YEELENBA in partnership with GERES, the initiatives were organized around four main pillars:
1. Maintenance and Identification: Raising awareness among SMEs, identifying suppliers, and selecting the Colma cooperative for micro-credits.
2. Training: Training sessions on financial management and entrepreneurship.
3. Connection: Facilitating the connection of new activities and launching the village mill.
4. Improved Access: Enhancing electricity access conditions and connecting to the national grid.
Key Results
Number of SMEs trained: 15 SMEs benefited from the training.
Training sessions: 4 training sessions were held.
Access to credit: 10 SMEs secured credits for purchasing appropriate equipment totaling 4,500,000 FCFA with a grace repayment period.
SME group organization: SMEs organized themselves into a solidarity group to benefit from collective credit.
Acquisition of suitable equipment: Less energy-consuming devices were identified. With support from the cooperative, 3 out of 15 SMEs were able to acquire appropriate materials for their activities.
Electricity consumption: Overall electricity consumption decreased from a peak of 1,100 kWh in March 2024 to 466 kWh in August 2024, with a payment rate of 78% in March compared to 114% in August 2024.
Increase in turnover: 12 SMEs enhanced their businesses by diversifying their activities, leading to increased revenue.
Improved management: SMEs gained skills in financial management (e.g., cash journal) and operational management (rational use of equipment).
Financial support: SMEs received assistance from the cooperative, facilitating access to credit.
Energy optimization: SMEs reduced their electricity consumption by purchasing more efficient, less energy-intensive devices.
Activity diversification: Some SMEs were able to diversify their activities while improving product quality.
The Kouakoualé PCS has been funded under the FEER BF by UNCDF. A big thank you to all partners, especially ADA and GERES, for their support.