Sharing minigrid operation experience with partners
As a pionier in rural electrification FRES likes to share its lessons learned and best practices with partners in rural electrification.
FRES Guiné-Bissau invited Alfredo Pais of TESE – Social Innovation – NGO for Development to Contuboel to show how we manage and operate our minigrid that currently serves 450 customers in the village. TESE is a major player in rural electrification in Guinea-Bissau with a trackrecord of realizing minigrids in the country and plans to add more.
The Contuboel minigrid is operational since 2017 but shines as if it was put in service yesterday. Our well trained local team, lead by our minigrid manager Paulo Bidefa, takes care of the daily maintenance and ensures that our customers can rely on reliable access to renewable energy now and in the future.