Sharing experience during the FRES Annual Company Week 2022
The FRES Annual Company Week 2022 this week in Mbarara, Uganda brought together the management teams of our four solar energy companies. A unique gathering of decades of on the ground experience in rural electrification!
Each FRES company focuses providing solar energy services in underserved rural areas – each with its own challenges and circumstances. So there is a lot to learn from each other.
FRES Mali shared its experience in minigrids. FRES Guiné-Bissau highlighted how it is servicing productive users with large solar systems. FRES Burkina Faso presented its design for a multifunctional platform. FRES Uganda is ahead in digitalization of customer services, monitoring and payments and shared its experience.
Over and above the week will strengthen mutual relationships, cooperation and exchange and help each company to grow and make progress in accelerating rural electrification.
In the photos: the delegations of FRES Mali (Yeelen Kura), FRES Burkina Faso (Yeelen Ba), FRES Uganda, FRES Guiné-Bissau, FRES The Netherlands.